I introduce the country of Japan.
Japan consists of four large islands and many small islands.
The four big islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu from the north.
All four islands are connected by the bridges, so We can move by land.
Hokkaido has a small population for its size, so nature remains the most in Japan.
I went to Hokkaido to take pictures of large birds, such as uralowls, sea eagles, Japanese cranes.
Honshu is the largest, with the capital Tokyo, and my home in Yokohama.
Mountains are connected like a spine in the central part of Honshu.
I go to the mountainous area of Nagano Prefecture in the center to take birds every year.
The huge grassland of Mt. Fuji is also an attractive place to observe birds.
Shikoku is the smallest of the four islands.
There are places in Kyushu where cranes from all over the world overwinter.
The cranes come from Siberia every year from mid-October and return to Siberia in March. The total number is over 10,000.
80% of Hooded Crane and 50% of White-naped Crane overwinter in Japan.
Below is the map of Japan.
Hokkido is the purple(Sapporo) part.
Honsyu is the blue(Fukushima and Miyagi), green(Tokyo,Yokohama and Mt.FUJI), yellowish green(Nagano and Nigata), yellow(Kyoto and Osaka), orange(Hiroshima) parts.
Sikoku is the pink(Kagawa and Kochi) part.
Kyusyu is the red(Nagasaki,Kumamoto,Kagoshima and Okinawa) part.
Basic information on Japan
Area is 378,000km2.
Population is 12.631 million.
The country is 70% mountainous and the forest rate is 67%.
The north-south length is 2845 km.
The highest peak is Mt. Fuji at 3776m.
he national bird is the Japanese Green Pheasant.
There are four seasons.
There are spring (March to May), summer (June to August), autumn (September to November), and winter (December to February).
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